Demographic and Personal Information

Current Appointment:

Professor, Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Co-Director: Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship

Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Private Practice: Baltimore, Maryland, USA


Hospital Affiliations:

1987-Present                The Johns Hopkins Hospital

1987-Present                Greater Baltimore Medical Center

1992-Present                Facial Plastic Surgicenter


Personal Data:

Business Address:

Facial Plastic Surgicenter

1838 Greene Tree Road, Suite 370

Baltimore, Maryland 21208

Phone: 410-486-3400

FAX: 410-486-0092



Education and Training:

1977                            B.A./Natural Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore

1981                            M.D./Boston University, Boston

1981-1982                   Surgical Internship, Boston University Medical Center, Boston

7/1/82-6/30/85             Assistant Resident, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, (Dr. Michael E. Johns, Director)

7/1/85-6/30/86             Resident, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, (Dr. Michael E. Johns, Director)

1986-1987                   Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship, University of California/San Francisco (Dr. Roger Crumley, Director)


Professional Experience

1/1/87-12/31/89           Assistant Professor, full time faculty, Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

1/1/90-5/31/99             Assistant Professor, part time, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

6/1/99-6/1/17               Associate Professor, part time; Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2017-Present                Professor, part–time; Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine



Peer Reviewed Journals:                  

  1. Papel ID, Henderson M, Van Herrewege J, David J, Sofer W: Drosophila Alcohol Dehydrogenase In Vitro and In Vivo: Effects of Acetone Feeding. Biochem Genetics, Vol 17, Nos. 5/6, 1979.
  2. Kennedy DW, Cohn,E, Papel ID, Holliday M: The Transsphenoidal Approach to the Sella: The Johns Hopkins Experience. Laryngoscope, 94:1066‑1074,1986.
  3. Kennedy DW, Papel ID, Holliday M: The Transpalatal Approach to the Skull Base. Ear, Nose and Throat J, 65:125‑133, 1986.
  4. Papel ID, Kennedy DW, Cohn E: The Transsphenoidal Approach to The Sella. Ear Nose Throat J, 65:107-116, 1986.
  5. Papel ID, Price JC, Kashima HK, Johns ME: Compression Plates in the Treatment of Advanced Anterior Floor of Mouth Carcinoma. Laryngoscope, 96:722‑725, 1986.
  6. Papel ID: Max Brodel’s Contributions to Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery. Am J Otology, 7:461‑470, 1986.
  7. Papel ID, Park RI: Computer Imaging for Instruction in Facial Plastic Surgery in a Residency Program. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 114:1454-1460, 1988.
  8. Nachlas NE, Papel ID, Steiner A: Functional and Cosmetic Surgery of Nose and Ear Deformities in Children and Adolescents. Maryland Med J, 39:655-659, 1990.
  9. Papel ID: Quantitative Facial Aesthetic Evaluation with Computer Imaging. Facial Plastic Surg 735-44, 1990.
  10. Papel ID: Augmentation Rhinoplasty Utilizing Cranial Grafts. Maryland Medical J 40:353-357, 1991.
  11. Papel ID: Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed Face. Otolaryn Clinics N Am. 24:727-738, 1991.
  12. Papel ID: Burning Questions from Clinical Practice: Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 106:9, 1992.
  13. Kontis TC, Papel ID, Larrabee WF: Surgical Anatomy of the Eyelids. Facial Plastic Surg, 10:1-5, 1994.
  14. Papel ID: Muscle Suspension Blepharoplasty. Facial Plastic Surg, 10:147-149, 1994.
  15. Papel ID: Rhinoplasty. Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery, 110(6): 611, 1994.
  16. Papel, ID: A Graduated Method of Tip Graft Fixation in Rhinoplasty. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 121:626-626, 1995.
  17. Weiss MD, Papel ID, Golden L: Creating the Single Specialty Otolaryngology Network. Otolaryn Head Neck Surg 112 (5), 137-138, 1995.
  18. Papel ID, Goldstein JG: Centennial History of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114:1-3,1996.
  19. Papel ID, Lee E The male facelift: Considerations and techniques. Facial Plastic Surg12:257-263, 1996.
  20. Maas CS, Papel ID, Greene D, Stoker DA: Complications of injectable synthetic polymers in facial augmentation. Dermatol Surg 23:1-7, 1997
  21. Papel ID, Jiannetto DF: Advances in computer imaging/applications in facial plastic surgery. Facial Plastic Surg: 15(2), 119-125, 1998.
  22. Papel ID, Mabrie D: The Overprojected Nose: Evaluation and Management. Otolaryn Clinics North Am. 32:65-87, 1999.
  23. Shumrick, KA, Papel ID, Campbell, A, Becker FF: Modification of the subunit principle for reconstruction of the nasal tip and dorsum defects. Arch Facial Plast Surg 1:9-15, 1999.
  24. Papel ID, Jianetto DF: Advances in computer imaging applications in facial plastic surgery. Facial Plastic Surg: 15(2): 119-125, 1999.
  25. Mabrie D, Papel ID: An unexpected occurrence of acute contact dermatitis during rhinoplasty. Arch Facial Plastic Surgery, 1(4), 320-321, 1999.
  26. Kontis TC, Papel ID: Surgical techniques for midface rejuvenation. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg: 8:350-356, 2000.
  27. Byrd S, Gunter J, McKinney P, Papel, ID: The Deviated Nose. Aesthetic Surg J, Vol 21, No. 3, 247-254, 2001.
  28. Papel ID, Capone RB: Botulinum toxin A for mentalis muscle dysfunction. Arch Facial Plastic Surg, 3:268-269, 2001.
  29. Kontis TC, Papel I. Rhinoplasty on the African-American Nose. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Nov; 26 Suppl 1:S13, 2002.
  30. Papel ID: Facial Analysis and Nasal Aesthetics. Aesthetic Plastic Surg J, Nov;26 Suppl 1:S13., 2002.
  31. Kontis TC, Papel ID: Reconstruction of Congenital and Acquired Auricular Scaphal Deformities. Arch Facial Plast Surg: 5:263-266, 2003.
  32. Papel ID: Interlocked Transdomal Suture Technique for the Wide Interdomal Space in Rhinoplasty. Arch Facial Plast Surg: 7:414-417, 2005.
  33. Papel ID: Rhinoplasty, Facial Plastic Surgeons and the Arch Facial Plast Surg: 8:153; 2006.
  34. Gruber RP, Tabbal N, Papel,ID, Mettzinger SE: Treatment of the Aging Nose. Aesthetic Surg, J 26:589-595, 2006.
  35. Haack J, Papel ID: Caudal Septal Deviation. Otolaryngol Clin N Am. 42:427-436, 2009.
  36. Papel ID, Kennedy DW, Pillsbury HC, Levine S: Physician Workforce on OHNS: What’s In Your Future? Otolaryn Head and Neck Surg 141(3), 25-26, 2009.
  37. Papel ID: The Role of Clinical Consensus Statements in Facial Plastic Surgery Literature. Arch Facial Plast Surg: Sept/Oct, Vol. 12, No. 5:289-290, 2010.
  38. Papel ID: Berechenbar Nahttechniken fur die Nasenspitze bei Rhinoplastik. HNO 58 (9), 882-887, 2010
  39. Shipchandler TZ, Papel ID: The Crooked Nose. Facial Plast Surg: 27(2):203-2012, 2011.
  40. Rodriguez-Bruno K, Papel ID: Rhytidectomy: Principles and practice emphasizing safety. Facial Plast Surg 2011;27:98-111, 2011.
  41. Roxbury C, Ishii M, Papel I, Byrne PJ, Boahene DK, Ishii L: Impact of the crooked nose rhinoplasty on observer perceptions of attractiveness.   2012;122(4):773-8, 2012.
  42. Shipchandler TZ, Sultan B, Ishii L, Bohaene KD, Capone RB, Kontis TC, Papel ID, Byrne PJ: Aesthetic  analysis in rhinoplasty: surgeon vs patient perspectives, blinded study. Am J Otolaryngol. 34(2):93-98, 2013.
  43. Francis HW, Papel I, Lina I, Koch W, Tunkel D, Fuchs P, Lin S, Kennedy D, Ruben R, Linthicum F, Marsh B, Best S, Carey J, Lane A, Byrne P, Flint P, Eisele DW. Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery at Johns Hopkins: The first 100 years (1914-2014). Laryngoscope. 2015 Aug 22. doi: 10.1002/lary.25490. PMID: 26297867, 2015.
  44. Kim LR, Papel ID: Spreader grafts in Functional Rhinoplasty. Facial Plast Surg 2016;3229-35.
  45. Genther DJ, Papel ID: Surgical Nasal Implants: Indications and Risks. Facial Plast Surg 2016; 32:488-499.
  46. Joseph AW,Ishii L, Joseph SS, Smith JI, Peiyi S, Bater K, Byrne P, Boahene K, Papel ID, Kontis TC, Douglas R, Nelson CC, Ishii M. Prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Surgeon Diagnostic Accuracy in Facial Plastic and Oculoplastic Surgery Clinics. JAMA Facial Plast Surg, jamafacial.2016.1535. (Published On-Line)
  47. Nellis JC, Ishii M, Papel ID, et al. Association of Facelift Surgery With Social Perception, Age, Attractiveness, Health, and Success. JAMA Facial Plast Surg, 10.1001/jamafacial.2016.2206. Published on-line March 16, 2017.
  48. Bater KL, Ishii LE, Papel, ID, Kontis, TC, Byrne PJ, Boahene KD, Nellis, JC, Ishii M: Association Between Facial Rejuvenation and Observer Ratings of Youth, Attractiveness, Success, and Health. JAMA Facial Plast Surg, 10.1001/jamafacial.2017.0126. Published on-line April 27, 2017.
  49. Joseph AW, Ishii LA, Joseph SS, Smith JI, Peiyu S, Bater, K, Byrne PB, Bohaene KD, Papel ID, Kontic TC, Douglas r, Nelson CC, Ishii M: Prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Surgeon Diagnostic Accuracy in Facial Plastic and Oculoplastic Surgery Clinics. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2017;19(4):269-274.
  50. Nellis JC, Ishii M, Papel ID, Kontis TC, Byrne PB, Boahene KD, Bater KL, Ishii LA: Association of Face-lift Surgery with Social Perception, Age, Attractiveness, Health, and Success. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2017;19(4):311-317.
  51. Bater KL, IshiiM, Nellis JC, Joseph A, Papel ID, Kontis TC, Byrne PJ, Bohaene KD, IshiiLE: A Dual Approach to Understanding Facial Perception Before and After Blepharoplasty. JAMA Facial Plast Surg, doi:10.1001/jamafacial.2017.1099.
  52. Welshhans JL, Harmon JJ, Papel ID, Gentile R, Mangat D, Byrne PB, Collar RM: Association Between Patient Value Systems and Physician Practice Attributes Available Online. JAMA Facial Plast Surg, doi:10.1001/jamafacial.2017.1146, 2018:20(2):116-121.
  53. Nellis JC, Ishii M, Bater KL, Papel ID, Kontis TC, Byrne PB, Boahene KD, Ishii LE: Association of Rhinoplasty With Perceived Attractiveness, Success, and Overall Health. JAMA Facial Plast Surg, doi:10.1001/jamafacial.2017.1453, 2018:20(2):97-102.
  54. Tseng YW, Vedula SS, Malpani A, Ahmadi N, Boahene KD, Papel ID, Kontis TC, Maxwell J, Wanamaker JR, Byrne PB, Malekzadeh S, Hager GD, Ishii LE, Ishii M: Association Between Surgical Trainee Daytime Sleepiness and Intraoperative Technical Skill When Performing Septoplasty. JAMA Facial Plast Surg, 1001/jamafacial.2018.1171.
  55. Chen D, Ishii M, Nellis J, Bater K, Darrach H, Liao D, Joseph A, Byrne P, Boahene K, Papel ID, Kontis TC, Ishii L: Assessment of Casual Observor’ Willingness to Pay for Increased Attractiveness Through Rhinoplasty. JAMA Facial Plast Surg, doi:10:1001/jamafacial.2018.1526.
  56. Darrach H, Ishii LE, Liao D, Nellis JC, Bater K, Cobo R, Byrne PJ, Boahene KD, Papel ID, Kontis TC, Ishii M: Assessment of the Influence of “Other-Race Effect†on Visual Attention and Perception of Attractiveness Before and After Rhinoplasty. doi:10.1001/jamafacial.2018.1697.



Non-Peer Reviewed Publications:

  • Papel, ID: Esthetic Proportions of the Face. J Esthetic Dentistry, Aug 1992.
  • Papel, ID: Augmentation Mentoplasty. J Aesthetic Dentistry, 3:142-146, 1992.
  • Papel, ID: Esthetic Surgery of the Lips. J Aesthetic Dentistry, 4:71-73, 1993.
  • Papel, ID, Ferris, R: Skin cancer as a Public Health Concern. Plast Surg Products, Jan 2000; 36-40.
  • Kim, MM, Papel ID: Know Your Noses: The Key to Ethnic Rhinoplasty. Plast Surg Products, Sep 2007;30-34
  • Papel ID: Major Deformity: Asymmetric Tip; Minor Deformities: Severe Bossae, Over-Projection, Right Alar Collapse, Unitip Deformity. In Godin, MS, Rhinoplasty Cases and Techniques, Thieme, New York, 2012.
  • Papel ID: Major Deformity: Over-Projected Nose; Minor Deformities: Malposition of Implant, Over-Rotated Tip, High Nasofrontal Angle. In Godin, MS: Rhinoplasty Cases and Techniques, Thieme, New York, 2012.
  • Papel ID: Major Deformity: Dorsal Hump; Minor Deformities: Wide Rhinion, Shallow Radix, Wide Nasal Base, Poor Projection, Thick Skin. In Godin, MS, Rhinoplasty Cases and Techniques, Thieme, NY, 2012.
  • Sofola IO, Cote C, Papel ID: Complications of Blepharoplasty, Thomas Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery, PMPH-USA, Connecticut, 2011;89-109
  • Ishii, LA, Papel ID: Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty, Thomas Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery, PMPH-USA, Connecticut, 2011;19-22
  • Chu EA, Kontis TC, Papel ID: Surgical Anatomy of the Eyelids.In Blepharoplasty, Thomas Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery, PMPH-USA, Connecticut, 2011;1-2


Book Chapters:

  1. Papel ID, Fairbanks DFN.: Complications of Nasal Surgery and Epistaxis, In Complications in Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery, Johns ME (ed). BC Decker Co, Toronto, 1986.
  2. Johns ME, Papel ID: Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx, in Essential Otolaryngology‑ Head and Neck Surgery, Lee KJ (ed), Medical Examination Publ Co, New York, 1987.
  3. Papel ID: Nasal Polypectomy. In Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery, Johns ME, Mattox DE, Price JC (eds); Decker Co, Toronto, 1989.
  4. Papel ID: Septodermoplasty. In Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery, Johns ME, Mattox DE, Price JC (eds), Decker Co, Toronto, 1989.
  5. Papel ID, Price JC: Nasal Reconstruction. In Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery, Johns ME, Mattox DE, Price JC (eds); Decker Co, Toronto, 1989.
  6. Papel ID: Periorbital Reconstruction. In Operative Challenges in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Pillsbury HC, Goldsmith MM (eds), Yearbook Med Publ, Chicago, 1989.
  7. Berman WE, Berman A, Papel ID: Surgery of the Nasal Tip. In Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Papel ID, Nachlas NE (eds), Mosby-Yearbook, St. Louis, 1991.
  8. Papel ID: Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty for the Senile Eyelid. In Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Papel ID, Nachlas NE (eds). Mosby-Yearbook, St. Louis, 1991.
  9. Papel ID, Schoenrock LD: Computer Imaging in Facial Plastic Surgery. In Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Papel, ID, Nachlas NE (eds), Mosby-Yearbook, St. Louis, 1992.
  10. Papel ID: May M: Surgical Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed Face. In Jackler R, Brackman D. Neurotology, Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis, 1992.
  11. Papel ID: Surgical Anatomy of the Nose. In Basics Principles in Facial Plastic Surgery, Meyers A (ed), Thieme, New York, 1992.
  12. Papel ID, Scott JC, Fairbanks DNF: Complications of Nasal Surgery and Epistaxis. In Complications in Head and Neck Surgery, Eisele DW (ed), Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis, 1993.
  13. Kontis TC, Papel ID: Surgery for Facial Reanimation. In Complications in Head and Neck Surgery, Eisele DW (ed), Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis, 1993.
  14. Papel ID: Complications of Browlift. In Complications in Head and Neck Surgery, Eisele DW (ed); Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis, 1993.
  15. Papel ID, Ellerbe D: Techniques for the Lax Lower Eyelid in Blepharoplasty. In Facial Aesthetic Surgery, Willett M (ed), Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1997.
  16. Papel ID, Kontis TC: The Difficult Nasal Tip. In Current Therapy in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Gates GA (ed), Mosby, St. Louis, 1998.
  17. Papel ID: Endoscopic Forehead Rejuvenation. In Management of Facial Lines and Wrinkles. Blitzer M, Binder W (eds), Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 1999.
  18. Papel ID, Jiannetto D: Rhytidectomy in the Male Patient. In Advances in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Myers EN, Bluestone CD, et al (eds). Mosby, St. Louis, 2000;239-250.
  19. Ridley MB, Papel ID: Aesthetic Facial Proportions. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publ, 2002.
  20. Koch RJ, Hanasono MM, Papel ID: Aesthetic Facial Analysis. Facial Plastic and reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Med Publ, New York, 2002.
  21. Clark JM, Shockley WW, Papel, ID: Management and reanimation of the paralyzed face. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Med Publ, New York, 2002.
  22. Papel ID: Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty in the Senile Lid. Facial Plastic and reconstructive Surgery, Thieme, New York, 2002; 179-183
  23. Capone RC, Papel ID: Facial proportions and aesthetic ideals. Essential of Septorhinoplasty, Thieme, Stuttgart, 2004.
  24. Rothbaum D, Ishii L, Papel ID Complications of Rhinoplasty. In Secondary Rhinoplasty, Becker D, Park S, (eds). Thieme Med Publ, New York, 2006.
  25. Capone, RB, Papel ID: Surgery of the Upper Two-Thirds of the Nose. In Bailey R (ed) Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, Klowers-Walters, Baltimore, 2006.
  26. Ishii LA, Papel, ID: Evaluation of the Facial Cosmetic Surgery Patient. In Surgical Rejuvenation of the Face, Truswell W (ed). Thieme, New York, 2007.
  27. Sykes JM, Kim J, Papel ID: Management of Complications in Rhytidectomy. In Complications in Facial Plastic Surgery. Capone RB, Sykes JM (eds). Thieme, New York, 2012.
  28. Papel ID, Kontis TC: Office Rhinoplasty Procedures. In Minimally Onvasive and Office Based Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery. Fedok FG, Carniol PJ (eds). Thieme, New York, 2013.
  29. Kim L, Papel ID: Rhinoplasty; Upper Vault and Middle Vault. In Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinical Reference Guide. Desai SS. Plural Publishing, San Diego, 2016.
  30. Kim L, Papel ID: Revision Rhinoplasty and Complications. In Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinical Reference Guide. Desai SS. Plural Publishing, San Diego, 2016.
  31. Papel ID: Minimizing Risk in Secondary Rhinoplasty. In Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Masters, Edited by Rohrich RJ, Ahmad J. Quality Medical Publishers, St. Louis, 2016.
  32. Capone RB, Papel, ID: Facial Proportions and Aesthetic Ideals in Rhinoplasty. In Essentials of Septorhinoplasty, 2nd Edition, Edited by Behrbohm H, Tardy ME. Thieme, Stuttgart, 2017.
  33. Papel, ID: Rhinoplasty: Suture Techniques. In Master Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: Facial Plastic Surgery. Edited by Meyers EN, Larrabee WF, Ridgeway JM, and Patel SA. Wolters-Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2018.




Books Published:

  1. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Papel ID, Nachlas NE (eds), Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis, 1992.
  2. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2nd Papel ID (ed). Thieme Med Publ, New York, 2002.
  3. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 3rd Papel ID (ed). Thieme Med Publ, New York. 2009
  4. Blepharoplasty. Papel ID (ed). Thomas Series of Facial Plastic Surgery. PMPH-USA, Connecticut. 2011
  5. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 4th Edition, Papel ID, (ed). Thieme Med Publ, New York/Stuttgart, 2016.


Extramural Funding   Not applicable


Clinical Activities:


Clinical Focus:

My practice is specifically focused on facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. This includes both reconstructive and cosmetic considerations. The clinical practice is integrated with teaching responsibilities as co-director of the Facial Plastic Surgery fellowship at Johns Hopkins, and working with residents from the Departments of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Plastic Surgery. Residents, fellows and visiting physicians are on-site with us most workdays. In addition our practice participates in sponsored clinical research and collaborates with our colleagues on the full-time staff in clinical protocols.



1986                American Board of Otolaryngology

1991                American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

(Recertified 2010)



9/30/17            Maryland, License #D28313 (expiration 2017)


Clinical Responsibilities:

Co-Director of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Fellowship:

This position requires daily contact with both fellows and residents. This is primarily clinical with training in surgical and outpatient clinical evaluation. Mentoring includes skill development, career strategies, and collaboration in the production of publications. It is a priority to introduce the residents and fellows to our national specialty organizations where they can become active. In this way, they can learn to advance the specialty when their training is completed.



Examiner Board Participation:

1996-present    American Board of Otolaryngology

  • Guest Examiner
  • Senior Examiner
  • Board of Directors




1997-present    American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

1997-2015       Board of Directors

  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Vice President

2010-2012       President

2013-2015       Immediate Past President

2016-               Senior Advisor



Clinical Demonstration Activities:

  1. Numerous invited presentations at local, national, and international surgical meetings. (See list to follow under Educational Activities)
  2. Served as program chair for surgical meetings sponsored by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Many have included live surgical demonstrations. Advanced Rhinoplasty Meetings of the AAFPRS, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008.
  3. Visiting Professorships at Universities in the United States, Europe, Asia, South America, and the Middle East. Many have included live surgery. (See List under Educational Activities)


Educational Activities:

Educational Focus:  Clinical instruction of residents in the departments of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Plastic Surgery is a daily activity. The residents routinely work with us in the operating room and in the clinical evaluation of facial plastic surgery patients. This involves both reconstructive and cosmetic activities.

I work with many residents as an advisor/mentor in planning career development such as applications to fellowships and faculty appointments when training is completed.

Lecturing for local, national, and international CME activities has been a major effort for many years.  I have been fortunate to receive invitations from universities as a Visiting Professor in many parts of the world.



Classroom Instruction

Clinical Instruction

CME Instruction




The following physicians have been fellows in the Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.  All spent one year under the supervision of the co-directors. In addition to the fellows the residents participate in our service and often contribute to clinical studies and manuscripts. Career counseling is a common concern for trainees at all levels.


  1. Theda C. Kontis, M.D.
    1. Associate Professor, Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Johns Hopkins Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    2. Private Practice in Baltimore, MD
    3. References: 13, 26, 29, 31, 42, NP 11, BC 13, BC 16, BC 28, 46, 47
  2. Dwight Ellerbe, M.D.
    1. Anchorage, Alaska
    2. Private Practice and facial Plastic Surgery Consultant to Elmendorf Air Force Base Hospital
    3. Reference: NP 18
  3. Alyson Ray, M.D
    1. Private Practice
    2. Albuquerque, New Mexico
  4. Stephanie Joe, M.D.
    1. Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    2. University of Illinois, Chicago
  5. Edward Lee, M.D.
    1. Private Practice
    2. Los Altos, California
    3. Reference: 19
  6. Lisa Ishii, M.D.
    1. Professor, Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Dept Otolaryngology, Johns Hopkins
    2. Baltimore, MD
    3. References: 41, 42, NP 10, BC 24, BC 26, BC3, BC5, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53
  7. Ife Sofola, M.D.
    1. Private Practice
    2. Houston, Texas
    3. Reference: : NP 9, BC5
  8. Chris Cote, M.D.
    1. Private Practice
    2. Denver, Colorado
    3. Reference: NP 9
  9. Jason Haack, M.D.
    1. Private Practice
    2. Wyoming
    3. Reference: 35
  10. Krista Rodriguez Bruno, M.D.
    1. Kaiser Permanente Medical Group
    2. Director of Facial Plastic Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    3. San Diego, California
    4. Reference: 40
  11. Taha Shipchandler, M.D.
    1. Associate Professor, University of Indiana
    2. Director of Facial Plastic Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    3. Indianapolis, Indiana
    4. References: 39, 42, BC5
  12. Peter Revenaugh, M.D.
    1. Assistant Professor, Rush Medical College
    2. Director of Facial Plastic Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and neck Surgery
    3. Chicago
    4. Reference: BC5
  13. Sam Oyer, M.D.
    1. Assistant Professor, Medical University of South Carolina
    2. Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    3. Charleston, South Carolina
    4. Reference: BC5
  14. Linda Lee, M.D.
    1. Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
    2. Division of Facial Plastic Surgery
    3. Massachusetts Eye and ear Infirmary, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    4. Reference: BC5
  15. Ryan Collar, M.D.
    1. Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati
    2. Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    3. Cincinnati, Ohio
    4. Reference: BC5, 52
  16. Tang Ho, M.D.
    1. Associate Professor, University of Texas
    2. Division Head, Facial Plastic Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
    3. Houston, Texas
  17. Leslie Kim, M.D.
    1. Assistant Professor, Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Ohio State University
    2. Columbus, Ohio
    3. References: 44, B29, B30
  18. Owen Johnson, M.D.
    1. Army Active Duty as Plastic Surgery Division Head at a Military Hospital as of 7/16.


  1. Irene Kim, M.D.
    1. Current Fellow
    2. Assistant Professor, Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of California-Los Angeles in July, 2017.



  1. Collaboration in clinical trial with colleagues in the Facial Plastic Surgery Division at JHH. (Ref 35, 36)
  2. Completed a sponsored clinical trial with Kythera Corporation to evaluate a new injectable for submental fat reduction.

Study Title:     CONTOUR: Condition of Submental Fullness and Treatment Outcomes Registry (A Registry of Submental Fullness, Treatment Options Administered, and Associated Outcomes)

Study #:           ATX-101-15-40M

Sponsor:          KYTHERA Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.

Study Doctor: Ira D. Papel, M.D.


  1. Sakura-OLS Phase 3 Clinical Trial

Study Title: Open Label, Multi-Center Trial to Assess the Safety of Single and Repeat Treatments of Daxibotulinumtoxin-A for Injection for Treatment of Moderate to Severe Glabellar Lines.

Protocol Number: 1620303

Sponsor: Revance Therapeutics, Inc.

Investigators: Theda C. Kontis, M.D., Ira D. Papel, M.D.

Onset Date: January 2017.


  1. Galderma Clinical Trial for Volyme

      Study #: 43USV1704

Site#: 8659

Onset Date: October 2018


  1. Allergan Volite Trial

Study Number: 1867-701-008

Site #: 017

Onset Date: October 2018






Institutional Administrative Appointments:

Medical Director: Facial Plastic Surgicenter, Baltimore, Maryland


Editorial Board Appointments

1998-2013       JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery

  • Editorial Board
  •            Associate Editor

2005-2015       Clinics of Facial Plastic Surgery

Editorial Board

Journal Peer Review Activities:

JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery

JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Facial Plastic Surgery Journal

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery


Journal of Rhinology

Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


Advisory Boards       

            Allergan Corporation

Medicis Corporation

Lifecell Corporation


Professional Societies/Roles:

1987-Present    American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

1996-2008       Board of Directors

2002-2005       VP for Public Affairs

2006-2007       President

2007-2008       Immediate Past President


1987-present    American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

1993-2004       Board of Directors

1994-1995       Chair Board of Governors

1996-2004       Coordinator for Government Affairs


1987-present    American Medical Association


1987-present    Maryland Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

1993-1994       Secretary-Treasurer

1994-1995       President


1990-present    American College of Surgeons


1991-present    Medical and Chirurgical Society of Maryland

2006-2014       Board of Trustees

2012-2014       Speaker of the House of Delegates


1991-present    Baltimore County Medical Association

2004-2005       Treasurer

2005-2006       Secretary

2006-2007       Vice President

2007-2008       President


Conference Chair:

9/96                 American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Annual Meeting, New Orleans

  • American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Advanced Rhinoplasty Course [Chicago in 1999, 2001,

2003, 2005; Boston 2008]

  • American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Winter Symposium, Snowmass, Colorado [1994, 1996]
  • International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery, Las Vegas





Academic Honors

1977                            Alpha Epsilon Delta Honor Society, Outstanding Service Award

1985                  Regular Clinical Fellow, American Cancer Society

1992                Faculty Teaching Award, Dept Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital

2002                Faculty Teaching Award, Dept Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital

2008                American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Distinguished Service Award:

Schoenrock Award

2012                Distinguished Service Award, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

2016                Faculty Teaching Award, Dept Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns    Hopkins Hospital

2017                Jacque Joseph Lecturer: European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Lisbon


Visiting Professorships:

University of Arizona

Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

Albany Medical College

Army Medical Center, Mexico City

College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

Columbia University

Cornell University

Duke University

Emory University

Lausanne University, (Switzerland)

Maximillian University, Munich, Germany

The Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN)

Uniformed Services Health University

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

University of Berlin, Germany

University of California, San Francisco

University of Maryland

University of Miami

University of North Carolina

University of Pennsylvania

University of Rochester

University of Virginia

Walter Reed Army Medical Center

University of Wisconsin

Uniformed Services Medical University

University of Ulsan College of Medicine (Seoul, Korea)

New York University

University of Cairo (Egypt)

St. Louis University

Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran)

University of Istanbul, Turkey

University Hospital de Mostoles, Madrid (Spain)

Ahmbani Medical Center, Mumbai, India

Venezuelan Society of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, Caracas

King Saud University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

University of California, Irvine

Rush University Medical Center

Hospital Univeritario Son Espases, Palma, Mallorca, Spain


Invited Presentations:


Visiting /Guest Professorships

12/20/93          Papel ID: Modern Techniques in Blepharoplasty. Visiting Professor, Univ California, San Francisco.

11/3/94            Papel ID: Revision Rhinoplasty. Visiting Professor at Columbia College of Physicians Surgeons, New York City.

11/2/94            Papel ID: Multiple Tip Grafts in Rhinoplasty. Visiting Professor at New Jersey Medical College. Newark, NJ

3/25/95            Papel ID: The Difficult Revision Rhinoplasty. Guest Professor; New Jersey Academy of Medicine; New Jersey.

5/4/96              Papel ID: Surgery for the Senile Lower Eyelid. Guest Professor of Mexican Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Monterrey, Mexico.

5/5/96              Papel ID: Otolaryngology in the 21st Century. Guest Professor, Mexican Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Monterrey, Mexico.

5/2/96              Papel ID: Aesthetic and Reconstructive Otoplasty. Guest Professor, Mexican Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Monterrey, Mexico.

5/3/96              Papel ID: Deep Plane Rhytidectomy. Guest Professor, Mexican Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Monterrey, Mexico.

2/19-22/98       Papel ID: Tip Graft Fixation in Rhinoplasty; The Nasal Valve in Secondary Rhinoplasty. Visiting Professor, Mexican Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Mexico City

2/11/99            Papel ID: Processed Human Dermal Allografts in Facial Plastic Surgery. Visiting Professor, Columbia University, New York.

2/18/99            Papel ID: Revision Rhinoplasty. Guest Lecturer, Greater Atlanta Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Atlanta.

2/18/99            Papel ID: Anatomic Basis of Rhytidectomy. Visiting Professor, Emory University, Atlanta

4/14-16/99       Papel ID: Documentation Techniques in Rhinoplasty; Correction of the Crooked Nose; Strategies in Revision Rhinoplasty. Visiting Faculty, 1st Summit Symposium on Rhinoplasty, Berlin, Germany.

6/24/99            Papel ID. Anatomic Basis of Rhytidectomy; Revision Rhinoplasty; and Endoscopic Forehead Lifting.  Visiting Professor, University of Puerto Rico.

10/28/99          Papel ID: Allograft Dermis in Facial Plastic Surgery. Visiting Professor, University of Pennsylvania.

10/29/99          Papel ID. Clinical Aspects of Rhytidectomy: Visiting Professor, University of Maryland.

11/15-18/00     Papel ID: History of Rhinoplasty,Surgical Anatomy of the Nose, Photodocumentation in Rhinoplasty, The Overprojected Nose, Correction of the Crooked Nose, Revision Rhinoplasty. Distinguished Visiting Professor, Colombian Society of Facial Plastic Surgery, Cali, Colombia, S Am

7/28/01            Papel ID: Secondary Rhinoplasty. Visiting Professor, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN

10/10/01          Papel ID: Strategies in Revision Rhinoplasty. Visiting Professor, Duke University.

3/14/03            Papel ID: The Problem Patient in Facial Plastic Surgery; Botox in Facial Surgery; Revision Rhinoplasty. Visiting Professor, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC

4/3/03              Papel ID: Functional and Cosmetic Concepts in Revision Rhinoplasty: The Robert Selfe Distinguished Lecturer, Cornell Medical College, New City.

10/20-24/03     Papel ID. The Learning Process in Rhinoplasty;Botox in Facial Plastic Surgery; The Middle Vault in Rhinoplasty; Documentation in Rhinoplasty. Lecturer of Honour, European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, University of Amsterdam.

10/22-23/04     Papel ID: Personal Philosophy of Rhinoplasty; Facial and Nasal Analysis in Rhinoplasty; CPT Pearls in Rhinoplasty; Computer Imaging in Rhinoplasty; The Twisted Nose. Distinguished Guest, The Penn Rhinoplasty Course, Philadelphia

2/12-16/05       Papel ID: Rhinoplasty Essentials, The Crooked Nose, Nasal Tip Projection, Nasal Valve reconstruction. Visiting Professor, University of Madrid, Spain,

1/22-23/09       Papel ID: Correction of the Crooked Nose, Documentation in Rhinoplasty, The Nasal Valve in Rhinoplasty, Complications in Rhinoplasty, Autologous Grafts in Rhinoplasty, Saddle Nose Deformities, Tip Suture Techniques, Revision Rhinoplasty. Visiting Professor, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

12/2/15            Papel ID: History of Rhinoplasty; Nasal Valve in primary and Revision Rhinoplasty; Managing Nasal Tip Width; Documentation in Rhinoplasty. Presented as Visiting Professor, King Saud University School of Medicine’s 9th Comprehensive Rhinoplasty Course, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

12/3/15            Papel ID: Correction of Saddle Nose Deformities; Management of Nasal Fractures; Complications in Rhinoplasty; Strategies in Revision Rhinoplasty; New Rhinoplasty Techniques. Presented as Visiting Professor, King Saud University School of Medicine’s 9th Comprehensive Rhinoplasty Course, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

12/5/15            Papel ID: Otoplasty Techniques and Outcomes. Presented as Visiting Professor, King Saud University School of Medicine’s 2nd Otoplasty Course, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

9/20-21/16       Papel ID: Rhinoplasty for Residents, Principles of Scar Revision, Anatomic Basis of Rhytidectomy, Essentials of Blepharoplasty. Presented as Visiting Professor at Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston.

10/2/18            Papel ID: Correction of the Crooked Nose. Presented as Visiting Professor, Hospital Universitario Son Espases, palm, Mallorca, Spain.




Other Invited Lectures

6/11/83            Kennedy DW, Papel ID, Cohn E: Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy: Review of 114 Cases. Biennial Meeting of Johns Hopkins Med Surg Assn; Baltimore, MD

1/15/84            Kennedy DW, Papel ID, Cohn E: Transpenoidal Hypophysectomy: The Johns Hopkins Experience. Southern Section of Triological Society, Marco Island, Florida.

9/17/84            Papel ID: The History of Laryngectomy and the Development of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery. Internat Soc History Otolaryngol; Las Vegas, NV

6/17/84            Papel ID: The History of Laryngectomy and the Development of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery.  International Society for the History of Otolaryngology; Las Vegas, NV

10/21/85          Papel ID: Max Brodel’s Contributions to Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery.  International Society for the History of Otolaryngology; Atlanta, GA

1/16/86            Papel ID, Price JC, Kashima HK, Johns ME: Compression Plates in the Treatment of Advanced Anterior Floor of Mouth Carcinoma. Southern Section Meeting of American Laryngological, Rhinological, Otological Soc Inc; Orlando, FL.

1/17/87            Papel ID: Computer Imaging in the Practice of Facial Plastic Surgery: Emphasis on Marketing. Annual Meeting of Am Acad Facial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery; Chicago.

1/8/88              Papel ID: Computer Imaging for Instruction in Facial Plastic Surgery in a Residency Program. Western Section Meeting of Am Acad Facial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery; San Diego, CA.

6/28/89            Papel ID: Blepharoplasty in the Elderly Patient with Senile Eyelid Changes: Combined Transcon-junctival and Lateral Tarsal Strip Techniques. 5th International Symposium for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Toronto, Canada.

9/23/89            Papel ID: Cranial Bone Grafts in Reconstructive Rhinoplasty. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New Orleans.

6/1/91              Papel ID: Nasal Reconstruction Following Mohs Resection of Skin Cancer. Maryland Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Annapolis, Md.

9/26/91            Papel ID, Schoenrock LD: Photography and Computer Imaging in Facial Plastic Surgery. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kansas City.

2/8/92              Papel ID, Skouge JW: Giant Keratoacanthoma of the Midface: Management by Mohs Resection and Surgical Reconstruction. Southern Section Meeting of Am Acad Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Atlanta.

2/6/93              Papel ID: Microtia Reconstruction. Surgery Grand Rounds of Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.

2/4/93              Papel ID: New Aspects in Blepharoplasty. Eastern New York Soc Otolaryngology- Head Neck Surgery. Albany, NY.

10/2/93            Papel ID: A Graduated Approach to Tip Graft Fixation. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Minneapolis.

11/15/93          Papel ID: Facial Plastic Surgery. Owings Mills Dental Society, Owings Mills, MD

11/16/93          Papel ID: Microtia Reconstruction. Maryland Soc Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery, Baltimore.

8/5/94              Papel ID: Treatment of the Lax Lower Eyelid in Blepharoplasty. 8th Annual Symposium on facial Cosmetic Surgery, Newport Beach, CA

8/4/94              Papel ID: Treatment of the Skeletonized Nose. 8th Annual Symposium on Facial Cosmetic Surgery, Newport Beach, CA.

12/10/94          Papel ID: Skin Grafts in Nasal Reconstruction; The Nasal Valve in Rhinoplasty; Anesthesia in Rhinoplasty; The Crooked Nose. Advanced Rhinoplasty Symposium of AAFPRS, Key Biscayne, FL

9/18/95            Weiss M., Papel ID. Goldin L: Forming the Single Specialty Network. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery; New Orleans, La.

10/20/95          Papel ID: Revision Rhinoplasty. Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore.

2/8/96              Papel ID: Reconstruction of Congenital Auricular Defects. 3rd Annual Meeting for Advances in Facial Plastic Surgery. Snowmass, CO.

2/6/96              Papel ID: The Skeletonized Nose: Methods of Reconstruction. 3rd Annual Meeting for Advances in Facial Plastic Surgery. Snowmass CO.

3/14/96            Papel ID: Alar and Spreader Grafts in Rhinoplasty. AAFPRS Rhinoplasty 96, Atlanta.

3/14/96            Papel ID: Photography, Computer Imaging, and Documentation in Rhinoplasty. AAFPRS Rhinoplasty 96, Atlanta, Georgia.

4/20/96            Papel, ID: Endoscopic facial Surgery. Treatment of Facial Wrinkles Course, Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC), Baltimore.

4/20/96            Papel ID: The Treatment of Perioral Rhytids. Treatment of Facial Wrinkle Course, Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC), Baltimore.

4/21/96            Papel, ID: The Deep Plane Facelift. Treatment of Facial Wrinkles Course, Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC), Baltimore.

4/21/96            Papel ID: The Deep Plane Facelift. Treatment of Facial Wrinkles Course, Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC), Baltimore.

7/25/96            Papel ID: Challenges in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery for the 1990s. Networks in Otolaryngology Meeting, Baltimore.

3/16/97            Papel  ID: Modern Documentation in Rhinoplasty. 4th Winter Symposium on Facial Plastic Surgery, Snowmass, CO.

3/17/97            Papel ID: Strategies in Male Rhytidectomy.  4th Winter Symposium on Facial Plastic Surgery; Snowmass, CO.

3/21/97            Papel ID:Structuring the Single Specialty IPA. Palm Beach Medical Society, FL

4/11/97            Papel ID: Surgery for Facial Wrinkles. 2nd Treatment of Facial Wrinkles Course. Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC), Baltimore.

4/18/97            Papel ID. Laser Facial Resurfacing. Grand Rounds, GBMC, Baltimore.

6/5/97              Papel ID, Toriumi D: Technical Advances in Facial Aesthetic Surgery. Cottle International Rhinology Centennial: XVI ISIAN, Philadelphia.

6/6/97              Papel ID, Thomas R: The Deviated Nose. Cottle International Rhinology Centennial: XVI ISIAN, Philadelphia.

6/8/97              Papel ID: Computerized Assessment in Facial Plastic Surgery. Cottle International Rhinology Centennial: XVI ISIAN, Philadelphia.

6/9/97              Papel ID: New Technologies in Facial Plastic Surgery. Medical/Surgical Association of Johns Hopkins Hospital; Baltimore.

10/17/97          Papel ID: Alloderm in Facial Plastic Surgery. AAFPRS Aging Face Symposium, Indianapolis.

10/17/97          Papel ID: Fixation Techniques in Endoscopic Facial Surgery. AAFPRS Aging Face Symposium, Indianapolis.

10/18/97          Papel ID: Male Rhytidectomy. AAFPRS Aging Face Symposium, Indianapolis.

12/9-11/97       Papel ID: The Difficult Revision Rhinoplasty; Cervicofacial Rhytidectomy; Laser Facial Resurfacing; Photodocumentation in Rhinoplasty. Advanced Rhinoplasty Course, Mexican Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Hospital Central Militar, Mexico City

11/1/98            Papel ID: Male Rhytidectomy: New Strategies. Controversies in Facial Plastic Surgery Symposium. Key Largo, Florida.

10/30/98          Papel ID: Strategies for Revision Rhinoplasty.  Controversies in Facial Plastic Surgery Symposium. Key Largo, Florida.

6/17/99            Papel ID: Nasal Obstruction: Septoplasty and Beyond. Rhinoplasty for New Millennium Conference, Chicago.

12/17/99          Papel ID: Nasal Obstruction and Repair of the Nasal Valves. Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore.

5/25/00            Papel ID: Clinical Uses of Alloderm In Facial Plastic Surgery. Greater Rochester Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Rochester, New York.

6/15/00            Papel ID: Aesthetic Facial Analysis. International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies, Cancun, Mexico.

6/16/00            Papel ID: Otoplasty: Analysis and Technique. International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies, Cancun, Mexico.

5/6/01              Papel ID: Classification and Surgical Management of the Crooked Nose. Rhinoplasty Society, NY

5/12/01            Papel ID: Non-Surgical Complications of Rhinoplasty. Spring Meeting, AAFPRS, Palm Desert, CA

7/13/01            Papel ID: Allograft Dermis is Facial Plastic Surgery: Cosmetic and Reconstructive Considerations. Joint US-UK Congress, St. Andrews, Scotland.

11/4/01            Papel ID: Management of the Nasal Valve in Rhinoplasty. Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins Hospital.

3/18/03            Papel ID: The Deviated Nose: Strategies in Rhinoplasty. Current Concepts Symposium, Amelia Island, Florida.

7/25-28/03       Papel ID: Botox in Facial Plastic Surgery,Functional and Aesthetic Revision Rhinoplasty.University of Wisconsin Otolaryngology Update. Beaver Creek, Colorado.

4/19/04            Papel ID: The History of Rhinoplasty: Evolution to the Modern Operation. Grand Rounds, of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital.

5/2/04              Papel ID: The Extreme Makeover in Facial Plastic Surgery. Spring Meeting of American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Phoenix.

3/16/05            Papel ID: Nasal Fracture Management. Advances in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Conference, Kiawah Island, South Carolina.

4/28/05            Papel ID: Complications of Rhinoplasty. Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins Hospital.

9/22/05            Papel  ID: Today’s Rhinoplasty. Annual Meeting of AAFPRS. Los Angeles.

9/26/05            Papel ID: Pearls and Pitfalls in Rhinoplasty. Annual Meeting of AAO-HNS, Washington.

2/21/06            Papel ID: Rhytidectomy Incisions: Limiting Postauricular Scars Without Sacrificing Results. Rejuvenation of the Aging Face Symposium, AAFPRS, Boca Raton, Florida.

2/21/06            Papel ID: Submental Sculpturing, Techniques that Work. Rejuvenation of the Aging Face Symposium, AAFPRS, Boca Raton, Florida.

2/28/06            Papel ID: Essential Rhinoplasty. AFIP Resident Course. Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

5/1/06              Papel ID: Update on Otoplasty Techniques. 9th International Symposium on Facial Plastic Surgery, Las Vegas.

5/4/06              Papel ID: Ethnic Rhinoplasty. 9th International Symposium on Facial Plastic Surgery, Las Vegas.

5/4/06              Papel ID: Management of Facelift Complications. 9th International Symposium on Facial Plastic Surgery, Las Vegas.

5/5/06              Papel ID: Rhinoplasty Complications: The Nasal Valve. 9th International Symposium on Facial Plastic Surgery, Las Vegas.

5/25/06            Papel ID: The Nasal Valve in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Rhinoplasty. Presented as invited lecturer, Joint German-U.S. Congress of Otolaryngology-head and Neck Surgery, Mannheim, Germany.

5/25/06            Papel ID: The Nasal Valve in Rhinoplasty Complications: German Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Mannheim, Germany.

9/15/06            Papel ID: Academic vs. Private Practice in Facial Plastic Surgery: Annual Meeting of American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Toronto.

11/11/06          Papel ID: Medpor Prosthesis Extrusions in Rhinoplasty: Florida Soc Facial Plastic Surg, Boca Raton.

11/11/06          Papel ID: Complications in Rhinoplasty: Florida Society of Facial Plastic Surgery, Boca Raton.

2/17/07            Papel ID: Technique and Instrumentation for Endoscopic Browlift. International Course of Mexican Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Facial Surgery, Mexico City.

2/17/07            Papel ID: Evolution of a Personal Technique in Rhytidectomy. International Course of Mexican Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Facial Surgery, Mexico City.

2/17/07            Papel ID: Current Techniques in Otoplasty. International Course of Mexican Society of Otorhino-laryngology and Facial Surgery, Mexico City.

2/17/07            Papel ID: Early Experience with Contour Threads in Facial Plastic Surgery. International Course of Mexican Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Facial Surgery, Mexico City.

3/26/07            Papel ID: Common Grafts in Rhinoplasty. 4th International Milano Masterclass, Milan, Italy.

3/26/07            Papel ID: Endoscopic Browlift: Personal Technique and Experience. 4th International Milano Masterclass, Milan, Italy.

3/26/07            Papel ID: Paradigms for the Treatment of the Crook Nose. 4th International Milano Masterclass, Milan, Italy.

3/27/07            Papel ID: Dorsal Modification: Oteotomies and Hump Removal Techniques. 4th International Milano Masterclass, Milan, Italy.

3/27/07            Papel ID: Predictable Tip Techniques in Rhinoplasty. 4th International Milano Masterclass, Milan, IT

4/25/07            Papel ID: Complications in Rhinoplasty. New Jersey Society of Facial Plastic Surgery, Holmdel, NJ

4/25/07            Papel ID: Nasal Valve Reconstruction in Rhinoplasty. New Jersey Soc Facial Plastic Surg, Holmdel

4/25/07            Papel ID: Suture Techniques in Rhinoplasty. New Jersey Soc Facial Plastic Surgery, Holmdel, NJ

4/25/07            Techniques and Procedures I Don’t Do Anymore. New Jersey Soc Facial Plastic Surg, Holmdel, NJ

5/13/07            Papel ID: The Nasal Valve in Rhinoplasty. 5th Asan Rhinoplasty Symposium, Seoul, Korea.

5/13/07            Papel ID: Correction of the Crooked Nose. 5th Asan Rhinoplasty Symposium, Seoul, Korea.

5/13/07            Papel ID: Tip Suture Technique in Rhinoplasty.  5th Asan Rhinoplasty Symposium, Seoul, Korea.

9/1/07              Papel,ID: The Difficult Patient in Facial Plastic Surgery. Colombian Society of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery. Bogotá, Columbia.

9/1/07              Papel ID: Incision Options in Rhytidectomy. Colombian Soc Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery. Bogotá, Columbia.

9/2/07              Papel ID: Otoplasty. Colombian Soc Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery. Bogotá, Columbia.

9/2/07              Papel ID: Strategies for the Crooked Nose. Colombian Soc Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery. Bogotá, Columbia.

9/16/07            Papel ID: Functional Septorhinoplasty. Annual Meeting, AAO-HNS, Washington, DC

9/19/07            Papel ID: Finesse in Rhytidectomy Incisions. AAFPRS Fall Meeting, Washington, DC

9/20/07            Papel ID: Revision Rhinoplasty Instruction Course. AAFPRS Fall Meeting, Washington, DC

2/23/08            Papel ID: Nasal Valve Considerations in Secondary Rhinoplasty. Farrior Symposium, Tampa.

2/23/07            Papel ID: Suture Techniques for the Wide Interdomal Space. Farrior Symposium, Tampa

3/7/08              Papel ID: Correction of Secondary Rhinoplasty Deformities. International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies, Cartagena, Colombia.

3/7/08              Papel ID: Modern Techniques for Otoplasty. International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies, Cartagena, Colombia.

4/3/08              Papel ID: Management of the Crooked Nose. Middle East Update in Otolaryngology Meeting, Dubai U.A.E.

4/3/08              Papel ID. Cartilage Grafts in Rhinoplasty. Middle East Update in Otolaryngology Meeting, Dubai U.A.E.

4/3/08              Papel ID: Complications of Rhinoplasty. Middle East Update in Otolaryngology Meeting, Dubai U.A.E.

4/4/08              Papel ID: Rhinoplasty of the Middle Eastern and Ethnic Nose. Middle East Update in Otolaryngology Meeting, Dubai U.A.E.

4/18/08            Papel ID: The Middle Vault in Revision Rhinoplasty. NYU Rhinoplasty Symposium, New York City.

4/17/08            Papel ID: The Difficult patient in Rhinoplasty. NYU Rhinoplasty Symposium, NY

4/18/08            Papel ID: Strategies for Avoiding Complications in Rhinoplasty. Presented as Grand Rounds at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.

9/28/08            Papel ID: Esthetic Surgery as a Business. 31st Meeting of European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Dusseldorf, Germany.

9/28/08            Papel ID: The Nasal Valve and Aesthetic Rhinoplasty. 31st Meeting of European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Dusseldorf, Germany.

9/29/08            Papel ID: Minimally Invasive Facial Procedures: Short term Show vs. Long Term Gains. 31st Meeting of European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Dusseldorf, Germany.

9/29/09            Papel ID: Implants in Nasal Surgery. University of Munich, Germany.

9/29/08            Papel ID: Blepharoplasty-When and How. University of Munich, Germany.

9/30/08            Papel ID: Reconstruction of Nasal Defects. University of Munich, Germany.

11/14/08          Papel ID: Functional Considerations in Rhinoplasty. Advances in Rhinoplasty and Nasal Reconstruction Course, St. Louis University.

11/14/08          Papel ID: Management of the Bony Nasal Vault. Advances in Rhinoplasty and Nasal Reconstruction Course, St. Louis University.

11/14/08          Papel ID: Reduction Rhinoplasty. Advances in Rhinoplasty and Nasal Reconstruction Course, St. Louis University.

3/12-15/09       Papel ID: Correction of the Saddle Nose; Revision Rhinoplasty; Dorsal Modifications in Rhinoplasty; Pearls and Pitfalls in Rhinoplasty; Versatile Autologous Grafts in Rhinoplasty; Widening the Narrow Nose; Strategies for the Short Nose; Suture Techniques in Rhinoplasty. Rodeo Rhinoplasty, Houston

6/11-15/09       Papel ID: Nuances of the Rhinoplasty Consultation; Avoiding Complications in Rhinoplasty; Suture Techniques for the Nasal Tip; Revision Rhinoplasty AAFPRS Advances in Rhinoplasty Course, Seattle, Washington

10/22/09          Papel ID: Domestic Violence and Facial Injuries: First Sergeants Program, Andrew Air Force Base, Maryland.

11/14-15/09     Papel ID: The Difficult Patient in Rhinoplasty; Saddle Nose and Dorsal Augmentation; Sutures Techniques in Rhinoplasty; Correction of the Crooked Nose; The Nasal Valve in Rhinoplasty; Complications in Rhinoplasty; Strategies in Revision Rhinoplasty; Correction of the Short Nose; Alar Rim/Batten Grafts. University of Istanbul Masterclass Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey,

11/19/09          Papel ID: New Techniques in Rhinoplasty. Grand Rounds, Dept Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery, Greater Baltimore Medical Center.

4/23/10            Papel ID: Injectable Fillers and Botulinum Toxins in Cosmetic Facial Practice. Am Soc Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Washington, DC.

4/29/10            Papel ID: External vs. Internal Rhinoplasty Indications. 10th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery, Hollywood, Florida.

4//29/10           Papel ID: The Difficult Nose: 10th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery, Hollywood FL

5/15/10            Papel ID: Prevention of Complications in Rhinoplasty. 5th Frontiers of Rhinology Conf, Sao Paulo

5/15/10            Papel ID: Tip Suture Techniques. 5th Frontiers of Rhinology Conf, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

5/15/10            Papel ID: Indications for Intranasal vs. External Rhinoplasty. 5th Frontiers of Rhinology Conf, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

5/16/10            Papel ID: History of Rhinoplasty. 5th Frontiers of Rhinology Conf, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

5/16/10            Papel ID: Strategies in Revision Rhinoplasty. 5th Frontiers of Rhinology Conf Sao Paulo, Brazil.

6/2/10              Papel ID: New technologies in Rhinoplasty. Delivered as Visiting Professor, New York University.

9/24/10            Papel ID: Mastery of the Nasal Tip. Annual Meeting of Am Acad Facial Plastic Reconstructive Surg, Boston.

9/24/10            Papel ID: Comprehensive Periorbital Rejuvenation Panel Discussion. Annual Meeting of Am Acad Facial Plastic Reconstructive Surg, Boston.

9/24/10            Papel ID: Injectable Safety Coalition Status Update. Annual Meeting of Am Acad Facial Plastic Reconstructive Surg, Boston.

9/25/10            Papel ID: The Decision Process in Nasal Osteotomies. Annual Meeting of Am Acad Facial Plastic Reconstructive Surg, Boston.

9/25/10            Papel ID: The Great Rhinoplasty Debate: Grafts and Techniques for the External Valve. Annual Meeting Am Acad Facial Plastic Reconstructive Surg, Boston..

11/3/10            Papel ID: The Nasal Valve in Primary and revision Rhinoplasty. Israeli Society of Plastic Surgeons/Facial Cosmetic Surgery Foundation Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.

11/3/10            Papel ID: Suture Techniques in Rhinoplasty. Israeli Society of Plastic Surgeons/Facial Cosmetic Surgery Foundation Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.

1/23/11            Papel ID: The Difficult Patient in facial Plastic Surgery. AAFPRS Rejuvenation of the Aging Face Course, San Diego, California.

1/24/11            Papel ID: Analysis and Anatomy of the Aging Face. AAFPRS Rejuvenation of the Aging Face Course, San Diego, CA

1/24/11            Papel ID: Injectable Fillers: Proper Role vs. Hype. AAFPRS Rejuvenation of the Aging Face Course, San Diego, CA.

1/25/11            Papel ID: Limited Rhytidectomy: AAFPRS Rejuvenation of the Aging Face Course, San Diego,

2/24/11            Papel ID: Complications in Rhinoplasty. XV Curso International Rhinoplasty Y Cirurgia Facial, Hospital de Mostoles, Madrid.

2/24/11            Papel ID: Reliable Suture Techniques in the Repair of the Nasal Tip. XV Curso International Rhinoplasty Y Cirurgia Facial, Hospital de Mostoles, Madrid.

2/25/11            Papel ID: Correction of the Crooked Nose. XV Curso International Rhinoplasty Y Cirurgia Facial, Hospital de Mostoles, Madrid.

2/25/11            Papel ID: Management of the Broad Nasal Tip. XV Curso International Rhinoplasty Y Cirurgia Facial, Hospital de Mostoles, Madrid.

2/26/11            Papel ID: Implications of the Nasal Valve in Rhinoplasty. XV Curso International Rhinoplasty Y Cirurgia Facial, Hospital de Mostoles, Madrid.

5/6/11              Papel ID: Correction of the Shortened Nose in Rhinoplasty. Advanced Rhinoplasty Course of the AAFPRS, Chicago.

5/6/11              Papel ID: Composite Grafts vs. Alar Strut Grafts for Alar Retraction in Rhinoplasty. Advanced Rhinoplasty Course of the AAFPRS, Chicago.

5/7/11              Papel ID: Digital Photodocumentation for Rhinoplasty Practice. Advanced Rhinoplasty Course of the AAFPRS, Chicago.

6/10/11            Papel ID: The Role of Facial Volume in Aesthetic Facial Surgery. Biennial Meeting of Johns Hopkins Medical and Surgical Association, Baltimore.

9/10/11            Papel ID: Clinical Complication of facial Filler Materials. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. San Francisco.

9/10/11            Papel ID: Rhinoplasty Beauty and Function: Are They Mutually Exclusive. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Facial Plastic and reconstructive Surgery. San Francisco.

10/1/11            Papel ID: Physician Workforce: Present and Future. Wisconsion Otolaryngology Society Annual Meeting, Sheboygan, WI.

10/1/11            Papel ID: The Role of the Nasal Valve in Primary and Revision Rhinoplasty. Wisconsin Otolaryngology Society Annual Meeting,Sheboygan, WI.

6/7/12              Papel ID, Mittelman H: Optimizing the Difficult Aging Neck. Multispecialty International Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Las Vegas, Nevada.

6/7/12              Papel ID: When the Septum is Not the Problem in Nasal Dysfunction. Multispecialty International Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Las Vegas, Nevada.

6/8/12              Papel ID: Sutures in Rhinoplasty: When, Where and How. Multispecialty International Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Las Vegas, Nevada.

6/8/12              Papel ID: The Bulbous, Amorphic, or Boxy Tip: Various Techniques. Multispecialty International Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. Las Vegas, Nevada.

9/7/12              Papel ID: Management of the Thick Skinned Nose.  Annual Meeting of Am Acad Facial Plastic Reconstructive Surg, Washington DC.

9/13/12            Papel ID: The Evolution of Otoplasty Techniques. European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

9/13/12            Papel ID: Treatment Strategies for Rhinoplasty in the Thick and Thin Skinned Nose. European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

2/22-24/13       Papel ID: Grafts in Rhinoplasty; Strategies in Revision Rhinoplasty, Difficult Situations in Rhinoplasty; Modern Trends in Blepharoplasty; Short incision Rhytidectomy: Is it Relevant; Otoplasty Techniques that Work. Pan-Asia Acad Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Mumbai, India.

5/8/13              Papel ID: The Middle Vault and Spreader Grafts. AAFPRS Advances in Rhinoplasty Course, Chicago

6/27/13            Papel ID: Treatment of Saddle Nose Deformity, a Video Session. Las Vegas Multispecialty Cosmetic Symposium.

6/26/13            Papel ID: Emerging Technologies in Rhinoplasty. Las Vegas Multispecialty Cosmetic Symposium.

7/7/13              Papel ID: Modern Techniques in Blepharoplasty.  Triologico de Rinologia Y Curugia Facial, Caracas,

7/7/13              Papel ID: Complications and Disasters in Rhinoplasty: Avoiding Problems. Triologico de Rinologia Y Curugia Facial, Caracas, Venuzuela.

7/7/13              Papel ID: Facial Fillers: Proper Role versus Hype. Triologico de Rinologia Y Curugia Facial, Caracas, Venuzuela.

7/8/13              Papel ID: Otoplasty Techniques and Outcomes. Triologico de Rinologia Y Curugia Facial, Caracas,

7/8/13              Papel ID: Considerations in Revision Rhinoplasty. Triologico de Rinologia Y Curugia Facial, Caracas, Venuzuela.

7/8/13              Papel ID: Correction of the Crooked Nose. Triologico de Rinologia Y Curugia Facial, Caracas,

7/8/13              Papel ID: Saddle Nose Evaluation and Treatment. Triologico de Rinologia Y Curugia Facial, Caracas,

7/8/13              Papel ID: Managing the Deviated Nose. Triologico de Rinologia Y Curugia Facial, Caracas,

7/8/13              Papel ID: Emerging Trends in Rhinoplasty. Triologico de Rinologia Y Curugia Facial, Caracas,

10/20/13          Papel ID: How Important is EMR in an Aesthetic Practice? AAFPRS Fall Meeting, New Orleans.

10/21/13          Papel ID: Experience, Science, and Nasal Valve Surgery-What the Literature Does Not Tell Us. AAFPRS Fall Meeting, New Orleans.

2/4/14              Papel ID: Submentoplasty: Techniques With and Without Facelift. AAFPRS Rejuvenation of the Aging Face Course, San Diego.

2/4/14              Papel ID: Rhytidectomy: Evolution of a Technique. AAFPRS Rejuvenation of the Aging Face Course, San Diego.

3/7/14              Papel ID: Browlift Techniques. Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore.

3/7/14              Papel ID: Rejuvenation of the Lower Face. Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore.

3/7/14              Papel ID: Techniques to Avoid Facelift Complications. Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore.

3/7/14              Papel ID: Facelift Surgery, Evolution over Time. Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

3/7/14              Papel ID: Filling vs Lifting in Facial Rejuvenation. Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore.

3/7/14              Papel ID: Anatomy and Analysis of the Midface. Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

3/8/14              Papel ID: Modern Techniques in Rhinoplasty. Grand Rounds, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore.

3/26/14            Papel ID: The Difficult Personality in Rhinoplasty Patients. European Rhinoplasty Summit, Munich, Germany.

3/26/14            Papel ID: Suture Techniques in Open and Closed Rhinoplasty. European Rhinoplasty Summit, Munich, Germany.

5/28/14            Papel ID: The Evolution of Facelift Surgery. 11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery

New York

5/28/14            Papel ID, Kayabasoglu, G: Nasal Tip Techniques. 11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery, NY

5/30/14            Papel ID, Revenaugh, P, Ezzat, W: Graduated Approach to Saddle Nose. 11th International Symposium on Facial Plastic Surgery, New York.

5/30/14            Papel ID: Minilift: Curse or Salvation. 11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery, NY

3/6/15              Papel ID: Managing Complications of Facial Soft Tissue Fillers. Nashville Scale Cosmetic Meeting, Nashville.

3/6/15              Papel ID: Anatomic Changes in the Face: The Case for Volume Replacement. Nashville Scale Cosmetic Meeting, Nashville.

3/7/15              Papel ID: Cervical Radiofrequency Treatments and Results. Nashville Scale Cosmetic Meeting, Nashville.

3/7/15              Papel ID: When to Laser, When to Inject, When to Operate. Nashville Scale Cosmetic Meeting, Nashville.

4/28/15            Papel ID: Correction of the Twisted Nose. XVI Curso Rinoplastia, Madrid, Spain.

4/28/18            Papel ID: My Personal Vision of Rhinoplasty, Basic Techniques and Advancements. XVI Curso Rinoplastia, Madrid, Spain.

5/15/15            Papel ID: From Broken to Fixed: Treatment of the Traumatized Nose. AAFPRS Advanced Rhinoplasty Course, Chicago.

5/15/15            Papel ID: Spreader Grafts: More Than a One Trick Pony. AAFPRS Advanced Rhinoplasty Course, Chicago.

6/4/15              Papel ID: The Future of Facial Plastic Surgery. 1st Workshop de Cirurgia Plastica Facial, Lajeado, Brazil.

6/4/15              Papel ID: Current Surgery for Facial Rejuvenation. 1st Workshop de Cirurgia Plastica Facial, Lajeado, Brazil.

6/5/15              Papel ID: Secondary Rhinoplasty: Where, What and How? 1st Workshop de Cirurgia Plastica Facial, Lajeado, Brazil.

6/5/15              Papel ID: Current Techniques in Rhinoplasty. 1st Workshop de Cirurgia Plastica Facial, Lajeado, Brazil.

10/2/15            Papel ID: My Facelift Technique: Exactly as I Do It. Fall Meeting of AAFPRS, Dallas

10/3/15            Papel ID: Revision Rhinoplasty: Strategies Without Using Rib Grafts. Fall Meeting of AAFPRS, Dallas.

10/3/15            Kochhar A, Joseph A, Papel ID: The Use of Autologous Fibroadipose Tissue as a Graft for Nasal Tip Contour. Fall Meeting of AAFPRS, Dallas.

12/2/15            Papel ID: History of Rhinoplasty; Nasal Valve in primary and Revision Rhinoplasty; Managing Nasal Tip Width; Documentation in Rhinoplasty. Presented as Visiting Professor, King Saud University School of Medicine’s 9th Comprehensive Rhinoplasty Course, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

12/3/15            Papel ID: Correction of Saddle Nose Deformities; Management of Nasal Fractures; Complications in Rhinoplasty; Strategies in Revision Rhinoplasty; New Rhinoplasty Techniques. Presented as Visiting Professor, King Saud University School of Medicine’s 9th Comprehensive Rhinoplasty Course, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

12/5/15            Papel ID: Otoplasty Techniques and Outcomes. Presented as Visiting Professor, King Saud University School of Medicine’s 2nd Otoplasty Course, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

2/13/16            Papel ID: Correction of the Crooked Nose. Presented at the University of California Otolaryngology Updates Course, Palm Springs, California.

2/14/16            Papel ID: Facial Fillers, Proper Role vs. Hype. Presented at the University of California Otolaryngology Updates Course, Palm Springs, California.

2/15/16            Papel ID: The Middle Vault in Primary and Revision Rhinoplasty. Presented at the University of California Otolaryngology Updates Course, Palm Springs, California.

2/16/16            Papel ID: Facial Scar Revision. Presented at the University of California Otolaryngology Updates Course, Palm Springs, California.

5/12/16            Papel IP: Blepharoplasty and Surgical Periorbital Rejuvenation. Presented at the 8th World Congress of Facial Plastic Surgery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

5/13/16            Papel ID: Facial Fillers; Proper Role vs. Hype. Presented at the 8th World Congress of Facial Plastic Surgery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

5/13/16            Papel ID: Advanced Considerations in Revision Rhinoplasty. Presented at the 8th World Congress of Facial Plastic Surgery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

6/4/16              Papel ID: Practical Approaches to Correction of the Crooked Nose. Presented at the Virginia Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Tysons Corner, Va.

10/6/16            Papel ID: Refinement of the Nasal Tip with Sutures. Presented at the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Nashville, Tennessee.

5/4/17              Papel ID: Nasal Tip Suture Techniques: Video Analysis. Presented at the Advances in Rhinoplasty Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

5/5/17              Papel ID: Managing Nasal Width: Step by Step Analysis. Presented at the Advances in Rhinoplasty Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

5/5/17              Papel ID: Nuances in Treatment of the African-American Nose. Presented at the Advances in Rhinoplasty Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.

5/13/17            Papel ID: Tips and Tricks in Cosmetic Rhinoplasty. Presented at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago.

5/13/17            Papel ID: Injectables and Fillers in Office Practice. Presented at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago.

7/17/17            Papel ID: Congenital and Iatrogenic Nasal Valve Treatment: How to Avoid Complications. Presented at the American Rhinologic Society, Washington, D.C.

8/24/17            Papel ID: Documentation in Rhinoplasty. Presented at the 10th Curso Internacional Rinoplastia. Curitiba, Brazil.

8/24/17            Papel ID: Personal Strategies for Revision Rhinoplasty. Presented at the 10th Curso Internacional Rinoplastia. Curitiba, Brazil.

8/25/17            Papel ID: Managing Nasal Width with Sutures, Grafts, and Osteotomies. Presented at the 10th Curso Internacional Rinoplastia. Curitiba, Brazil.

8/25/17            Papel ID: Compications: Prevention and Management in Rhinoplasty. Presented at the 10th Curso Internacional Rinoplastia. Curitiba, Brazil.

8/25/17            Papel ID: Decision Sequence for the Crooked Nose. Presented at the 10th Curso Internacional Rinoplastia. Curitiba, Brazil.

8/25/17            Papel ID: Alar Base Modifications in Rhinoplasty. Presented at the 10th Curso Internacional Rinoplastia. Curitiba, Brazil.

8/25/17            Papel ID: Middle Vault Diagnosis and Treatment in Rhinoplasty. Presented at the 10th Curso Internacional Rinoplastia. Curitiba, Brazil.

9/28/17            Papel ID: Management of the SMAS in Rhytidectomy. Presented at the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.

9/28/17            Papel ID: Rhinoplasty, Beauty in Simplicity. Presented as the Keynote Address for the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.

9/29/17            Papel: Nasal Dorsal Augmentation: Multiple Solutions. Presented at the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.

10/26/17          Papel ID: Challenges of the Upper Face and Brow. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Phoenix.

1/25/18            Papel ID: Rhinoplasty: Beauty in Simplicity. Presented as Invited Faculty, Research Study Club of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.

1/25/18            Papel ID: Volume in Modern Facial Rejuvenation. Presented as Invited Faculty, Research Study Club of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.

1/26/18            Papel ID: Concepts in Facial Scar Revision. Presented as Invited Faculty, Research Study Club of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.

2/10/18            Papel ID: Experience with Diced Cartilage vs Solid Rib Grafts in Rhinoplasty. Presented at the 5th Caribbean Facial Plastic Surgery Update, Grand Cayman.

2/10/18            Papel ID: Fillers in Facial Plastic Surgery: Proper Role vs. Hype. Presented at the 5th Caribbean Facial Plastic Surgery Update, Grand Cayman.

4/25/18            Papel ID: A Pleas for Simplicity in Rhinoplasty Planning. Presented at the Bogota Hands On Rhinoplasty Course, Bogota, Columbia.

4/25/18            Papel ID: Correction of the Long Nose.          Presented at the Bogota Hands On Rhinoplasty Course, Bogota, Columbia.

4/25/18            Papel ID: Middle Vault Management in Rhinoplasty. Presented at the Bogota Hands On Rhinoplasty Course, Bogota, Columbia.

4/26/18            Papel ID: Strategies in Revision Rhinoplasty. Presented at the Bogota Hands On Rhinoplasty Course, Bogota, Columbia.

4/26/18            Papel ID: Solid and Diced Cartilage Grafts for Saddle Nose Reconstruction. Presented at the Bogota Hands On Rhinoplasty Course, Bogota, Columbia.

9/7/18              Papel ID: Management of Post Traumatic Nasal Deformities and Problem Airway Management. Presented at the AO CMF North America, Current Concepts in Facial Injury Management Course, Baltimore, Maryland.

10/17/18          Papel ID: Repair of the Retracted Ala in Rhinoplasty. Presented at the 12th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery, Dallas, Texas.